22 Eye Opening Social Media Stats for Birthday Party Businesses
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Social Media can and should be a driving force behind the growth of your birthday party business. If you aren't convinced, check out these 22 eye opening stats!

5 Ridiculously Simple Ways To Take Control of Your Email Inbox
If you feel like you’re a slave to your email inbox…Or, if you worry that if you don’t respond to emails instantly then you’ll lose clients…Or, if you just can’t keep up with the emails coming in…Then check out these 5 ridiculously simple ways to take control of your email inbox!

6 Reasons Why Your Staff Fail
Finding good help is impossible, right??? WRONG!
It took me a long time to realize why I could never find good help. Here are 6 reasons your staff will fail. Plus, I'll issue you a challenge that will help you take action to turn this all around!

Why your party business is running you into the ground… and what you can do about it!
I almost shut my business down.
The daily grind was wearing me down. I felt like every decision, every action, every thing funneled through me. I was the bottle-neck of my business and it was hurting my clients, my staff and ME. Here are the 5 changes I made that got me to the point where I could sell my business and it could still run successfully WITHOUT ME!